About us


let's create


our incredible

Ventra is a professional Webflow template with multiple sections that you can customize

Jimmy Mcalister

director of soccer

kevin long

executive director

alex chursky

technical director

kyle rodeheaver

boys director of coaching

richard reece

girls director of coaching

matt brewer

junior sounders academy

paul aur

regional program director

raphael cox

shoreline regional director

george singh

south regional director

carlos enriquez

community outreach

george vukic

programs director

brooke reece

ecnl manager

michele authier

office manager

sean russell

camps director

gary whitehouse

college coordinator

brooke reece

ecnl manager

jasmin zachwieja

certified athletic trainer

paige blomso



Congratulations!  Thank you for choosing to play for Seattle United! As another season begins, we know that you have many choices when it comes to choosing a soccer club for your player(s). We appreciate you choosing Seattle United and don’t take this responsibility lightly. The information on this page is intended to answer some basic questions regarding player registration.  Please read this section thoroughly before you proceed with online registration!

Volunteering to Help Your Team and Seattle United:
Seattle United is a volunteer driven organization and we rely on contributions of time and effort from parents and families to make our club successful. As part of registering for the club, you also accept a commitment to lend your time and talents to both your team and to the club as a whole.
Registration Open House for the 2022/2023 season will be on Tuesday, June 7, from 2-8pm at the Seattle United Office. Please note that our office has moved to Northgate, on the ground floor of Windermere Real Estate. The entrance to the office is found on the corner of 100th St. and 3rd Ave NE.

301 NE 100th St. Suite 102
Seattle, WA 98125

The open house is an opportunity for our families who may lack access to a computer or need assistance with either the online registration process or the financial aid application.

2024-2025 program fees

program/playing level
program fee
Premier U10-U19
Premier U9
Premier U8
Regional U10-U19
Regional U9
Regional U8
All players new to SYSA (Seattle Youth SoccerAssociation, our local governing Association) will need to have an electronic version (jpeg file) of a proof-of-age document ready to upload during the online registration process. Acceptable forms of this include all government issued birth certificates or passports, as well as consular certificates of birth or citizenship.

New players will be required to upload a current, forward-facing head shot photo during registration as well. Please have these ready before beginning online registration as you will not be able to complete registration without them. Returning players will not be required to complete these two steps, unless either the document or photo is not already on file.
Please note: Per USYSA guidelines, you must use your child’s FULL legal name as it appears on his/her birth certificate to complete registration. The name must match the birth certificate identically – please do not shorten it, use nicknames, or drop given last names.
Debit or Credit Card Payments Only: All payments (including those utilizing the payment plan) must be made online. The club accepts Visa, MasterCard, & Discover.  
you will be assessed a fee of 2.7% based on your player’s program cost. As a 501©3 non-profit organization, Seattle United can not afford to absorb these fees.  Thank you for your understanding.
Payment Plans:  A payment plan is available, but we encourage you to pay in full now as it's the simplest method for both you and the club.  To make installment payments, select ‘Payment Plan’ in the payment section at the end of the registration process. If you choose to use the payment plan, you can pay your registration fee in four, eight, or ten monthly installments. Here are some things to keep in mind:
  • All monthly payments are charged each month on the 15th of each month following tryouts.
  • All payment plan users will receive a reminder email 7 days prior each month that a payment will be charged.
  • All families who opt into one of the payment plans are responsible for keeping the payment information current so that all scheduled payments can process     successfully (please see instructions for updating your payment information on the Parents page of the website).
Financial Aid:  Financial assistance is available and will be awarded by the Seattle United Financial Aid committee.  To apply for financial aid, please navigate to the Financial Aid page to read the policy before beginning the online registration process.  During online registration, you will be prompted to answer several questions, and will be able to upload the required supporting documentation.    Please have all forms ready before starting online registration.
Refund Policy:  Upon commitment to a team, you are financially responsible for all club fees as stated for the entire play year.  The club considers 20% of the club fee a 'commitment fee' that is non-refundable.  Additionally, players will not be released from Seattle United unless all club program fees and team fees are up to date at the time of the withdrawal request. Club fee refunds are calculated on a case-by-case basis, considering the circumstances leading to the player's withdrawal.  For all withdrawals due to a season-ending injury, a physician’s note must accompany the withdrawal form.  All withdrawal requests for pro-rated reimbursements, releases and withdrawals must be made using the official club form, and presented via email to the club registrar, Paige Blomsø, and to the Executive Director, Kyle Rodeheaver.  Click here for the withdrawal form.

Should you need to update payment information or resubmit a declined payment in Demosphere, please click here for complete instructions.

Contact club registrar Paige Blomsø at paige@seattleunited.com with any questions or concerns.

Begin Accepted Player Registration